
Resident evil 2 remake map comparison
Resident evil 2 remake map comparison

It’s still pretty easy to be overrun by the undead and there’s every chance you’ll find yourself backed into a corner with no chance of escape. That doesn’t mean that Resident Evil 2 Remake is any easier. Controlling Leon and Claire feels great, aiming and shooting is far more engaging than in the past and you’re never struggling to make the characters go where you want them to. Thankfully, the controls in Resident Evil 2 Remake are perfect. Anyone who’s played Resident Evil 6 will know how badly using standard controls in Resident Evil can be, though that might be due to the overall shoddiness of the game itself. While that was fine for 1998, it’s just not going to fly in 2018. Resident Evil 2 originally made use of Tank Controls. With that in mind, I kept a mental note of the Resident Evil 2 Remake differences I found as compared to the original. That being said, as Resident Evil 2 Remake is a remake of a 20-year old game, there have been some serious changes made.

resident evil 2 remake map comparison

It felt like the game Resident Evil 2 always would have been if it had always been made in this generation of video games. Recently I got my hands on Resident Evil 2 Remake and I had a great time.

Resident evil 2 remake map comparison